Answered: Your Most Burning Questions About Ethereum(A-Z)

Ryle Zhou
12 min readAug 31, 2021
Ethereum 2.0: EIP-3675

Ethereum is a decentralized, open-source blockchain with smart contract functionality. Here’s a list of all the terms and history that are related to Ethereum.

Hopefully, this will answer some of your questions about ETH in just a few minutes.


An object containing an address, balance, nonce, and optional storage and code. An account can be a contract account or an externally owned account (EOA).


Most generally, this represents an EOA or contract that can receive (destination address) or send (source address) transactions on the blockchain. More specifically, it is the rightmost 160 bits of a Keccak hash of an ECDSA public key.


In Solidity, assert(false) compiles to 0xfe, an invalid opcode, which uses up all remaining gas and reverts all changes. When an assert() statement fails, something very wrong and unexpected is happening, and you will need to fix your code. You should use assert() to avoid conditions that should never, ever occur.


A positional number representation where the most significant digit is first. The opposite of little-endian, where the least significant digit is first.



Ryle Zhou

Writing short and useful articles to benefit active learners. Making CS concepts easier to understand. Studied Computer Science at Stanford.